Cultural Heritage (CH) is in the focus of the European Union as motor for employment, economic drive and development.
Virtual Training, Cultural Heritage
In order to guarantee longevity & usability of European Heritage it is inevitable to keep up with the requirements of society like new technology and digitisation.
The Covid19 crisis added some urgency to the issue as training organisations strongly suffer from restrictions and new rules, which are threatening traditional education and training activities. Especially in regards to hands-on-training, where instructors need to get really close to learners in order to teach practical skills.
Target Audience
Burghauptmannschaft, Austria; IMC Fachhochschule Krems GmbH, Austria; Národný Trust n.o., Slovakia; ECQA GmbH, Austria; UBW Unternehmensberatung Wagenhofer GmbH, Austria; Magyar Reneszánsz Alapítvány, Hungary; Asociación Espanola de Gestores de Patrimonio Cultural, Spain; Secretaria Geral da Presidencia da República, Portugal; Universidad del Pais Vasco, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain
Project Output
The consortium of VI-TRAIN takes on the challenge of developing innovative training for traditional/threatened crafts and handling of building damages, which will boost the digitisation of training in (built) Cultural Heritage. A big focus is given to crafts that are almost nowhere trained any more. Lots of those crafts do need a lot of experience and guidance by experienced craftspeople. This training in particular will be boosted by various digitisation support.
The expected goals of VI-TRAIN are:
Identification of suitable distance learning methods for the training of craftsme (manual work),
the identification of suitable forms of online collaboration in education, taking into account functionality, GDPR and data security
Development and testing of a virtual/3D damage detection training system for structures
Investigating and testing ways to overcome limitations, e.g. motion sickness,
the derivation of success criteria for highly accepted digital solutions
Development and testing of a virtual/3D craft training system using sensors and VR/AR
Development of a train-the-trainer system for the use of selected tools in the training of traditional crafts
Erasmus+ 2014-2020; Projektnummer 2020-1-AT01-KA226-VET-092635 (2021-2023)
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