The coordinator's foreword
Dear reader,
I am pleased to share with you the latest CHAISE newsletter.
In the past months, the CHAISE partnership has reached one of its milestones by releasing the CHAISE Blockchain Skills online course "Mastering Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies" and started the certification process for enrolled learners that want to be certified as Blockchain Developers, Architects or Managers. Discover more below!
I hope you enjoy reading our newsletter and I would like to invite you to go through our website, follow us on social media or contact us directly for more information.
Do you share our vision? Join the Alliance as an associated partner and contribute to the accomplishment of our activities and objectives!
Prof. Parisa Ghodous
🌟Spotlight: CHAISE Final Event
22 May 2024, 11:30- 13:40, Darmstadt
CHAISE: Education and Skills for a Decentralized Digital Ecosystem
On the 22nd of May, the CHAISE consortium, in partnership with the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA), is hosting a collaborative roundtable discussion about the future of blockchain education in Darmstadt, Germany. The event is organised as part of Blockchain Horizons: INATBA's Academic and R&D Forum, and marks the culmination of the CHAISE project.
During the event, attendees will gain insights into the CHAISE project outcomes, main deliverables, and upcoming steps.
Discussions will address the needs of various markets, highlighting the project’s significance for EU countries, the skills market, and the future landscape of emerging technologies.
The collaborative format aims to gather insights that will shape the development of national curricula, educational strategies, and training plans related to blockchain and emerging technologies. By enhancing knowledge transfer from business to academia and creating a decentralised blockchain training and marketplace platform, the ultimate goal is to make blockchain accessible to all.
Participants will be able to engage in dynamic roundtable discussions, contributing to the advancement of digital skills, competencies, and empowerment in the digital economy.
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Our latest result & updates
Over the past few months, the CHAISE partnership released the validation methodology for the CHAISE Blockchain Skills online course, containing the guidelines learners must follow to achieve certification in alignment with the specialised job profiles recognised by CHAISE.
Moreover, the partnership has taken a significant stride forward by drafting a Blueprint for the creation of national Blockchain scholarship and training programs and by advancing on the blockchain skills forecast activities for the last year of the project.
Last but not least, CHAISE is organising its final event: "CHAISE: Education and Skills for a Decentralized Digital Ecosystem. It will take place on the 22nd of May 2024 as a side event of the Blockchain Horizons conference in Darmstadt.
CHAISE Blockchain skills online course and certification
The CHAISE blockchain skills online course is designed to provide a solid knowledge in blockchain and DLT for both students looking to pursue a career in this industry and professionals in the tech world who want to upskill or enhance their existing knowledge in blockchain technology. In addition, learners have the opportunity to choose between three specialisation learning pathways: Blockchain Developer, Blockchain Manager and Blockchain Architect for which they can receive a certification.
To be certified as one of these job profiles, the learner must collect theory and practical badges for each of the 12 modules of the course. The achievement of a theory or practical badge leads to the award of a module certificate.
As the CHAISE course includes many learning materials, the learners will “collect” badges and module certificates as they move through the course.
Once the learner has successfully obtained the theory and practical and badge for a module, they will be awarded with the Module certificate. After receiving the certification of each module, the learner will obtain the full course certification, which will be issued by CHAISE partner ECQA.
The CHAISE online course certification strategy is largely based on the principles of the International Standard ISO/IEC 17024:2012-07 Conformity assessment - General requirements.
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CHAISE Trainer's Guide
The Trainer’s guide has been designed to provide trainers with guidelines and resources to deliver an optimised and impactful learning experience on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies. It is available for all educators who wish to conduct in-person or online blockchain training and explains how ICT trainers can deliver the CHAISE course lectures in both informal and formal settings. For each learning unit, the guide provides trainers with access to a detailed lesson plan for classroom sessions and online use, a summary of the learning objectives and the expected knowledge and skills that the unit aims to impart, together with the prerequisites for participating in the session
Discover the full guide |
Blueprint for the creation of national Blockchain
scholarship and training programs
In an era marked by digital transformation and unprecedented technological advancements, the Blockchain Scholarship and Traineeship Programs emerge as a beacon of opportunity and innovation. The CHAISE consortium created a Blueprint of national Blockchain scholarship and traineeship programs.
This Scholarship/Traineeship programs are not just about financial support; but are an invitation to explore, innovate, and contribute to the ever-expanding realm of Blockchain.
Scholars/trainees will embark on a learning expedition, delving into foundational courses, specialised tracks in development, architecture, and management, and engaging in workshops that explore emerging trends and technologies.
Tailored to ICT professionals aspiring to become Blockchain specialists, this component offers a comprehensive 1-year scholarship in education and training institutions. The goal is to enhance skills, promote mobility, and make the Blockchain sector an attractive career choice throughout Europe.
The Blueprint will be published soon! Make sure to regularly check the CHAISE website and social media channels not to miss it!
Blockchain Skills Forecasting Activities
Over the past three years, the CHAISE partnership has published two reports (2022 and 2023) containing forecasting estimates for blockchain skills demand and supply in Europe. In the coming months, the partnership will publish its third report with the most updated estimates.
Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, CHAISE will provide an in-depth forecasting analysis of blockchain skills demand and supply and document the current state of the diffusion of blockchain technology across Europe. CHAISE analyses how blockchain technology is being applied, the evolving nature of blockchain skill requirements, and assesses how education and training courses are consequently changing to meet dynamic skills demand.
Discover our forecasting activitities |
Contribute & support our results
How to engage with the Blockchain community? Discover how you can contribute to the CHAISE activities and support us in achieving our goals!
As the Sector Alliance for Blockchain Skills, CHAISE expanded its horizons and welcomed interested organisations to join the alliance and actively participate in and enhance CHAISE's results. Organisations that join the Alliance will have the possibility to contribute to CHAISE workstreams and to showcase their work on the CHAISE website. To become Associated partners, organisations are required to formalise their commitment by signing a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC). Discover here the organisations that have joined so far.
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Sign our Statement of Support
CHAISE invites Blockchain stakeholders from across Europe to acknowledge the identified emerging occupational profiles in the Blockchain field and to contribute to the advancement of the project’s objectives to reinforce education in digital competences by signing a Statement of Support.
By recognising the results, stakeholders will contribute to providing a clearer description of the different blockchain roles and possible educational approach, thus contributing to a joint effort to fulfil the growing needs of the blockchain sector.
Sign here |
CHAISE consortium partners in the spotlight
In this edition, get to know more about CHAISE partners: The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (YPAITH), Universitė Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and University of Ljubljana
Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports (YPAITH) is responsible for the education and training policy in Greece and has mandated the thematic S.A.E.K. Egaleo to contribute to the CHAISE tasks as it is one of the oldest and biggest Public Institutes of Vocational Training in Greece.
S.A.E.K. Egaleo is a thematic VET institution focusing on S.T.E.A.M. The students are high school graduates, aged 18+. After two years, they receive a Diploma of Vocational Specialisation level 4 EQF and after exams they receive a Diploma of Vocational Specialisation level 5 EQF.
Within CHAISE, SAEK EGALEO participates in various work packages, especially contributing to the development of a Blueprint for the creation of national Blockchain scholarship and traineeship programs and drawing up national action plans to share visibility and mainstream project results.
Last year, SAEK EGALEO was leading the execution of one of CHAISE's onsite training pilots, aimed at testing and promoting the developed CHAISE Blockchain skills online course.
Finally, SAEK EGALEO is co-organising the formation of a Greek Blockchain Skills Partnership in collaboration with EXELIA, which is also part of the CHAISE consortium, and contributing to amplify the project's dissemination and awareness-raising activities.
Universitė Claude Bernard Lyon (UCBL) is a Public Higher Education institution with more than 45,000 students, 11 campuses, 15 Faculties, 65 research units and 4,800 academic and administrative staff members. UCBL has solid project leading capacities, based on its extensive participation and coordination of EU-funded projects, and a wide breadth of available resources. It is a multidisciplinary University with a strong focus on ICT.
The Computer Science Laboratory in Image and Information Systems (LIRIS) is a joined research unit (UMR 5205) backed by the CNRS, INSA Lyon, University Claude Bernard Lyon, University Lumière and Ecole Centrale de Lyon. It has 330 members.
The members participating in the project are experienced in the field of blockchain technology, service science, interoperability, distributed architectures and databases, security systems, Artificial Intelligence, e-learning resources, web semantics, and cloud computing technologies.
UCBL oversees the project's technical coordination and financial management, including developing the quality assurance plan and semi-annual quality review reports. They chair meetings, prepare and submit progress reports, recruit external evaluators, and communicate with the EACEA. Additionally, UCBL contributes to skill intelligence gathering, curriculum design, and the creation of learning materials. They also participate in consultation meetings with national qualification bodies to plan the next steps for qualification accreditation / recognition. Finally, UCBL is in charge of the national action plan for rolling out project results and leads efforts to establish a National Blockchain Skills Partnership in France.
The University of Ljubljana with its Faculty of Electrical Engineering is actively involved in research and academic level teaching on blockchain and decentralised technologies. The University leads the national research programme “Decentralised solutions for the digitalisation of industry and smart cities and communities, P2-0425, funded by ARiS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency”.
In the CHAISE project, the University of Ljubljana played a key role in the development of the CHAISE training programme, contributing to the creation of content for several modules and lectures of the CHAISE Blockchain skills online course. Furthermore, the University piloted the course with university students.
The university is also part of ULTRA - University of Ljubljana for a Sustainable Society project, in which a new training program about decentralised solutions to address the skills gap in the field was developed and then accredited with micro-credentials.
Past and upcoming events & publications
of the CHAISE consortium
The CHAISE consortium has selected its key events and publications to share with you.
CHAISE at the Digital Large Scale partnership launch event
On 25 January, 2024 the Digital LSP stakeholder and matchmaking event represented the official launch of the Digital Large Scale Partnership. This initiative brings together stakeholders from different type of organisations to build partnerships and collaborations to foster the uptake of digital skills in all industrial ecosystem and to strengthen the provision of advanced skills for ICT professionals.
In the first part of the event, the Digital LSP’s mission and the objectives were presented, along with its work plan for 2024. In the second part of the event, the participants had the opportunity to learn from the experience of some Erasmus+ Blueprint Projects, such as the ARISA project, the CHAISE project and the REWIRE project.
In particular, the CHAISE Coordinator, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, provided an overview of the CHAISE project. The Coordinator explained the deliverables for 2024 and presented the CHAISE partners, the project timeline and, more specifically, delved into the CHAISE Blockchain Skills online course “Mastering Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies”, in order to create synergies with the work of the digital LSP and other partners.
In the last part of the event, a matchmaking session for Erasmus + Alliances for Innovation calls was carried out.
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CHAISE awarded at INATBA's Gala Awards
On January 30, 2024, the historic Autoworld in Brussels set the stage for the INATBA Awards Gala, hosted by INATBA, the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Application. Beyond merely honouring achievements in blockchain technology, this event underscored INATBA's dedication to fostering a more sustainable and greener future. Throughout the evening, exceptional companies and initiatives were spotlighted for their significant contributions across various key domains.
CHAISE partners had the honour of attending the INATBA Awards Gala ceremony, where the CHAISE project was awarded as Most Exciting Project for 2024 in the Learning and Awareness category. This achievement was very significant as it recognises the impact of our initiative in advancing education and awareness. This award inspires us to continue pushing the boundaries and striving for excellence in our mission.
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Blockchain and European public transformation
On Tuesday, March 12, 2024, the University of Lille hosted an insightful international bilingual conference at the Lilliard Learning Center. The event provided a comprehensive exploration of Blockchain technology’s impact on different sector with particular focus on its evolution within higher education and research.
Through various workshops, the University of Lille showcased its involvement in advancements that indicate the emergence of a European digital heritage, valuable for youth, institutions and mobility.
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On 20 March 2024, CHAISE's Austrian partner ECQA GmbH, together with DLT Austria, organised an event with the aim of exploring new blockchain-related job roles and explaining the CHAISE Blockchain Skills online course in Mastering Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies.
This online course was developed by CHAISE in response to the growing demand for blockchain experts in Europe. It aims to address blockchain skills gaps and train specialised professional profiles, such as Blockchain Developer, Blockchain Manager and Blockchain Architect.
From 3 to 6 June 2024, the BalkanCOM Conference will be hosted at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The aim of this conference is to bring together a variety of researchers to address challenges in the Communications and Networking sector. This edition will focus on promoting the free flow of knowledge and technology in the Balkans and between neighbouring nations, in line with the concept of “Balkans without the borders”.
During this event, a CHAISE special session organised by CHAISE partners Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and the University of Ljubljana will take place. The CHAISE session “Future of Decentralized Systems, European Partnership” will focus on the connection of emerging AI approaches into the Blockchain system and provides a possibility to present the recent research and educational activities to create Future European Partnerships in this field. Moreover, interested participants will also have the opportunity to become CHAISE Associated partners by joining its Alliance.
For this session, participants had the opportunity to submit papers focusing on key topics related to Blockchain via a call for papers.
More information |
Our network has plenty of interesting publications and opportunities! We wouldn't want you to miss them.
On the 22nd of May, the INATBA Academic Advisory Board is hosting the first edition of Blockchain Horizons, INATBA’s academic and R&D forum, on the future impact of blockchain technology.
With an emphasis on research and academic activities, the event will explore the potential of blockchain across various sectors, including information technology, health, transportation, finance, education, governments, and democracy.
The forum convenes global experts to present and discuss the latest DLT research. It aims to formulate an actionable strategy and recommendations for advancing sustainable global adoption and real-world impact in various sectors. Simultaneously, it promotes collaboration between researchers and businesses, facilitating the practical application of the latest research.
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Focus Group Blockchain & DLT
The European DIGITAL SME Alliance, a CHAISE consortium partner, brings together ICT SMEs and blockchain standardisation experts from across Europe in its Focus Group Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT).
This Focus Group includes activities that aim to foster synergies and business opportunities among members interested in blockchain technology, by providing them with continuous support and updated information on the latest funding opportunities in the field of blockchain & DLT.
Additional activities benefiting the members of this Focus Group include raising awareness, providing education and practical tools on how to best adopt new solutions, as well as encouraging the debate on blockchain standardisation.
A good example of these activities is the workshop on the Environmental Sustainability of Blockchain recently organised by the Focus Group to discuss how blockchain & DLTs can positively contribute to sustainable development.
In the framework of the Focus Group Blockchain & DLT, a Catalogue of Blockchain Solutions has been launched with the aim of gathering solutions developed by the Members of the Focus Group Blockchain & DLT across different sectors.
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EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum - Conclusion workshop
The EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum held its Conclusion workshop on the 8th on May, in Brussels.
The event featured distinguished speakers such as Mariana de la Roche (Director of Validvent), Almudena de la Mata (from the Blockchain Intelligence Division at AirCity), and Daniel Szego (from the EUBOF Expert Panel).
At the event, the main achievements of the EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum since 2020 were presented, followed by a discussion on the future trends for the technology.
We have entered the last year of the CHAISE project. Our main aim will be to grow our community and spread the CHAISE guidelines and learning materials via various events, like the CHAISE final event and the 13 National Information Days that CHAISE partners will organise all across Europe. Stay tuned!
The creation of these resources has been funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union under grant no. 621646-EPP-1-2020-1-FR-EPPKA2-SSA-B.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.