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Smartsea Newsletter

First Day of (online) Classes

We opened our virtual classroom on 4th of October for the future Smart maritime & Surveying industry educators and professionals.
For the past few months teachers shared their vision, philosophies, teaching ideas and aims to design appealing lessons and create engaging learning opportunities.
Our teaching team, primarily composed of outstanding teachers, managers and researchers with various training background in maritime education, is fully enthusiastic to share and exchange their insights and know-hows.


E-learning platform

The academic curriculum of the SMARTSEA project is composedof twenty four (24) courses appropriately divided into two time periods, named as first timeslot and second timeslot. All of the courses, including the intermediate projects will use the e-Learning platform to store the teaching materials, assign tasks, monitor progress, evaluate the participants, connect the experiments/demonstrator, provide deployment & mobility information and act as a remote teaching aid. News and Events
16th June 2021 University of Ljubljana members represented the SMARTSEA consortium at the Maritime Administration in Koper were the project’s aims and objectives were presented to the interested professionals from the Port of Koper, Slovenia 8th October 2021 SMARTSEA consortium members participated online to the International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence DCAI 2021, where a special session was dedicated to the SMARTSEA Project 28th October 2021 In the frame of the Black Sea Action Day, on 28th of October 2021, NIMRD partner represented SMARTSEA consortium at the online Workshop: Blue Growth Initiative for Research and Innovation in the Black Sea 

Course experiments are designed to be accessed remotely using this platform, enabling students to control and collect data. Video tutorials & live streaming of experiments provide the students with an interactive tool with the course material (lectures & experiments) and also with each other. The platform also provide publicly available materials on the programs & the course and provide the users an opportunity to post news, discuss in a forum and eliminate the need for additional/external communication tools such as e-mails and chats, task lists and calendars.



contact info

Rechte Kremszeile 62, A-3500 Krems, Austria


+43 664 3912799



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