The Horizon 2020 project PRO-Heritage is currently seeking a project extension as the COVID-19 crisis has severely disrupted the project work.
Nevertheless, the project can present quite some successes. In addition to the country reports and curricula, the dissemination was pushed forward. The project and its ambitious goals were disseminated at international workshops and presentations and demonstrated that these goals are definitely achievable.
For example, the Imperial Palace Vienna was able to reduce its energy consumption from about 200 to around 80 kWh per m² per year.
At the beginning of November, the first train-the-trainer course for PRO-Heritage took place in Lisbon.
In November 2021, PRO-Heritage was also a high-profile participant in the BUILD-UP Skills and EU Sustainable Energy. Furthermore, the consortium organised a dissemination event in Lisbon.
The second PRO-Heritage symposium entitled "Energy-efficient buildings" in the Charterhouse Mauerbach was again well attended. Due to the infection figures, the event could be attended both onsite and online. A programme for recapitualising is available here: PRO-Heritage Promotion Day – PRO-Heritage
In the future, after the event an eBook shall be issued.
On the website Relevant Studies - PRO-Heritage (Relevant Studies – PRO-Heritage) you will find selected projects related to energy efficiency, renewable energy and construction, with PRO-Heritage holding a special position with its focus on historic buildings.
More about the Horizon 2020 project PRO-Heritage and the first completed products can be found here: PRO-Heritage – Your Energy Experts for (built) Cultural Heritage