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Applying Blockchain to boost the smart maritime industry

The Master in "Smart Maritime & Surveying" of the SMARTSEA project is moving forward with its second term, which includes a mix of face-to-face (online) and lab classes. Students are now delving into the fascinating world of Blockchain and the benefits it can bring to Smart Maritime.

Blockchain protects first-party information from being tampered with, as data from the previous record must match the next one in order for it to work. This prevents the errors that could arise due to the multiplication of information. Professor Yeray Mezquita, Blockchain specialist from the BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca will introduce the students to this technology which is becoming invaluable due to its countless advantages.



Blockchain in Smart Maritime

This subject focuses on presenting Blockchain and its characteristics (reliability, transparency, security). It covers the foundations of this technology and the potential of its application in Future Maritime Engineering & Maritime Surveying, including the traceability of routes/cargo, immutable record of actions/samples/procedures, use of smart contracts for the automation of port operations/interactions, management of legal obligations/security (personnel, authorizations, control of public bodies, etc.).

The principal learning outcomes and competencies of this module are as follows:

  1. Obtain a general knowledge of blockchain technology and its applications,
  2. Understand the proposed problems and how to solve and optimize them using blockchain technology.
  3. Understand and apply blockchain programming standards and best practices.

Blockchain has countless advantages, and, in this module, it will be used to improve the security and reliability of Smart Maritime operations.

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+43 664 3912799



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